Acknowledgement for Portfolio | How to Write | With Sample


Acknowledgement for portfolio is crucial for recognizing the contributions and efforts of others. It serves as a way to show gratitude and appreciation for the assistance, guidance, and support received throughout the project. By acknowledging the help of others, one demonstrates humility and respect for their expertise and involvement. This not only strengthens the relationships with colleagues, mentors, and collaborators but also builds a sense of community and teamwork.

Acknowledging the contributions of others helps in giving credit where credit is due and avoids plagiarism or ethical issues. It also adds credibility and authenticity to the portfolio by showcasing the collaborative effort involved in creating the final product.

Recognizing the contributions of others demonstrates one’s professionalism and integrity by properly giving credit where it is due. This not only highlights the individual’s positive qualities but also reflects well on the organization or institution they are affiliated with.

How to write an acknowledgement for a portfolio

If you are writing an acknowledgment for your portfolio, I can offer you some helpful suggestions. Be sure to follow all the guidelines in order to craft a flawless acknowledgment for portfolio.

  • Start by thanking the people who helped make your portfolio possible. Something like “I would like to extend my gratitude to the following people for their support and guidance in creating this portfolio.”
  • Mention people by name and explain how they assisted you. For example:

“I would like to thank my design professor, Jane Smith, for providing feedback and guidance on my projects over the past year. Her insights helped push my work to the next level.”

“Thank you to Mike Brown for allowing me to collaborate on client projects at XYZ Design Firm. Working on real-world design challenges helped expand my skills.”

  • If you received support from a group or organization, acknowledge them as well. For example:

“Thank you to my classmates in DESN301 for lending their creative perspectives during group critiques. Our collaborative sessions enabled me to view my work through different lenses.”

“I’m grateful for the opportunity provided by XYZ Scholarship to pursue my design education. This financial assistance allowed me to focus on developing my skills over the past year.”

  • The acknowledgement section should be concise. Keep it to 1-2 paragraphs at most. You want to show appreciation without going into too much detail.
  • End with a broad statement of gratitude summarizing the importance of the support you received. For example:

“I could not have created this portfolio without the guidance, feedback, and support of everyone mentioned here. Thank you for helping me grow and push myself as a designer.”

Acknowledgement for Portfolio

I would like to thank my professors, classmates, family and friends who have helped me along my journey to creating this portfolio.

First, I want to extend my gratitude to my design professors Jane Smith and John Lee for their invaluable mentorship and guidance throughout my studies. Their feedback and critiques have pushed me to refine my skills and think more critically about my work. I appreciate the time and effort they have dedicated to helping me grow.

Thank you to my classmates for being an extra set of eyes during group critiques. Brainstorming ideas together and providing each other constructive criticism has been immensely helpful for strengthening our collective work. I am grateful for the creative community we have built.

To my family, your constant love and support has encouraged me every step of the way. Thank you for always believing in me and being a source of motivation.

acknowledgement for portfolio

Acknowledgement for Portfolio Practice Teaching

I would like to extend my sincere appreciation to all those who supported and guided me through my practicum experiences and assisted in the creation of this teaching portfolio.

Thank you to my university supervisor, Dr. Jane Smith, for providing invaluable advice and feedback during my in-classroom observations. Your expertise and mentorship pushed me to reflect critically on my teaching abilities.

I am incredibly grateful to the cooperating teachers and students at Washington Elementary School for welcoming me into your classrooms and making my practicum such an enriching learning experience. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to try new teaching strategies and grow my skills as an educator.

To my fellow teacher candidates, thank you for always lending an ear when I needed to talk through challenges and for providing thoughtful suggestions during our group discussions. Going through this journey together made it not only more manageable but also more fun.

Acknowledgement for Portfolio Practice Teaching

Acknowledgement for Portfolio in Work Immersion

I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to all those who supported me during my work immersion at XYZ Company and assisted with the creation of this portfolio.

Thank you to my supervisor, John Lee, for providing me the opportunity to gain real-world experience in your department. Your guidance and feedback throughout the internship enabled me to expand my skills and deepen my knowledge.

I appreciate the time taken by all the team members at XYZ Company to mentor me and help acclimate me to the professional environment. Thank you for welcoming me, answering my questions, and working alongside me on projects. It was invaluable to learn from such a talented group of individuals.

To my university internship coordinator, Professor Jane Smith, thank you for preparing me for this experience and pushing me to think critically about applying my learnings. Your advice was extremely helpful for maximizing my time at the company.

I am grateful to my fellow interns for being a network of support and motivation. Our discussions helped me process everything I was experiencing.

Finally, thank you to my family and friends for your constant encouragement and patience. Having your emotional support made this experience much more manageable.

Also Check: Acknowledgement for Thesis [Sample and Best Practice]

Acknowledgement for Portfolio in Field Study

I would like to thank the following people who supported me during my field study at XYZ Organization and assisted me in creating this portfolio:

Thank you to my faculty advisor, Professor Jane Smith, for providing guidance and insights throughout the field study process. Your expertise pushed me to think more critically about applying classroom concepts to real-world observations.

I’m grateful to the team at XYZ Organization for welcoming me and taking the time to explain your work. Getting to observe professionals in action enabled me to gain valuable practical knowledge.

To John Lee, my site supervisor, thank you for providing me opportunities to get hands-on experience during the study. Your mentorship and feedback helped expand my skills and understanding.

I appreciate my fellow field study classmates for being a constant source of encouragement, advice, and collaboration. Our discussions helped reinforce what I was learning.

The hands-on learning and expert guidance I received during this field study were invaluable for creating this portfolio. Thank you to everyone who played a role in shaping this experience and pushing me to grow.

Sample Acknowledgement for Portfolio

I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the opportunity to present my academic portfolio. In completing this collection of work, I have taken great care to showcase my skills, growth, and dedication to my academic pursuits.

I want to extend my thanks to my professors, mentors, and peers who have supported and encouraged me throughout my academic journey. Their guidance and feedback have been invaluable in shaping my portfolio and helping me develop as a student.

I am also grateful to the institution for providing me with the resources and opportunities to further my education and expand my knowledge. This acknowledgement reflects not only my hard work and dedication but also the support and encouragement I have received along the way.

I look forward to continued growth and success in my academic endeavors, and I am proud to present this portfolio as a reflection of my academic achievements. Thank you for considering my work with respect and appreciation.

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